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Vermont State Police On 8-24-22 Correctional Officers working at Southern State Correctional Facility in Springfield VT observed an inmate climbing a fence / gate within the facility, and slipping between the top of the gate and the razor wire. This inmate was identified as Dustin Deberville and he was taken into custody by staff members moments after staff first observed his actions. When taken into custody, Deberville was still on facility grounds with 2 more fences that he would have needed to pass in order to completely exit the facility grounds.
A subsequent investigation conducted by staff members, coupled with their observations of Deberville, indicated that he planned this escape attempt himself, and was in possession of a small amount of supplies.
RANK/TROOPER FULL NAME: Det. Sgt. Jesse Robson
STATION: Bureau of Criminal Investigation Troop B-East
DATE/TIME: 8-24-22 9:35 AM
INCIDENT LOCATION: Southern State Correctional Center, Springfield VT
CITY, STATE OF RESIDENCE: Currently a prison inmate in Swanton VT
LODGED - LOCATION: Custody of Deberville was continued, and he was transferred from Southern State Correctional Facility to Northwest State Correctional Facility.
Vermont Business Magazine 365 Dorset Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403
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